
Novak Djokovic vaccine saga: Serbian-Americans write to Joe Biden to let him play in US Open Novak

Novak Djokovic vaccine saga: Serbian-Americans write to Joe Biden to let him play in US Open Novak

As the US Open tournament’s dates are coming close, the Novak Djokovic vaccine saga is spreading very fast. Tennis fans across the world eye about whether Djokovic will be able to participate or not in the Grand Championship as he had denied to take the covid-19 vaccine dose which is compulsory for every one as per New Rules for entry into US.

A Serbian group in the US has called on President Joe Biden reportedly to let Novak Djokovic in to the country.
According to report, one group of Serbian-US citizen has directly addressed Biden with a plea to grant Djokovic, the Wimbledon Grand Slam-2022 Champion to the US.
The plea to Biden by Djokovic Fans reportedly cites Presidential Proclamation 10294, which allows for travel exceptions to be made for non-citizens “whose entry would be in the national interest.”
Earlier, tennis fans has started a online petition campaign for the Djokovic, the 21 Grand Slam winner. More than 12000 US-Serbian fans participated and singed petition to allow him without the Covid-19 vaccine dose.

The Fans cited in petition, “The upcoming Cincinati Open will become more exciting and entertaining when he would allow to join the championship.”
Djokovic, the three times US Open Champion respectively in 2011, 2015 and 2018 is still on his stance as he had recently said, “He will not get a dose of Covid-19 Vaccine whether he will play or not in US open and Australian Open.”

Djokovic had said in an interview,

I’d like to play the US Open but if it doesn’t happen it’s not the end of the world, nor the first Grand Slam I have to withdraw from


Overview on Djokovic Record at US Open

  • 2011 Grand US Open Champion
  • 2015 Grand US Open Champion
  • 2018 Grand US Open Champion

Read more: Petition to allow unvaccinated Novak Djokovic to play US Open nears 12,000 signs: Make it happen, USTA!

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