
World Athletics 2023: DP Manu and Kishore Jena join Neeraj Chopra in men’s javelin final

DP Manu and Kishore Jena join Neeraj Chopra in men's javelin final

World Athletics Championships 2023 DP Manu and Kishore Jena joined Olympic champion Neeraj Chopra as all 3 Indians qualified for the 12- man javelin final in a sensational feat in Budapest on August 25.

In Short
Neeraj Chopra outgunned the qualification with a stylish gamble of88.77 m
3 Indians qualified for the men’s pikestaff final for the first time in the world match history
DP Manu and Kishore Jena qualified at the 6th and 9th spots

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As numerous as 3 Indians qualified for the men’s pikestaff final at the World Athletics Crowns, showcasing the growth of the sport amid Neeraj Chopra’s domination at the global position. In a major feat, all 3 Indians who entered the qualification round made it to the 12- man final with fine performances in Budapest on Friday, August 25.

4 of the 12 men in the final of the men’s pikestaff event in Budapest are from India and Pakistan as Commonwealth Games Gold semifinalist Arshad Nadeem made a fine recovery from injury lapses to come only one of the three men to achieve the automatic qualification spots along with Neeraj Chopra and Jakub Vadlejch.

Neeraj Chopra outgunned the qualification round with his trademark one-and-done gamble of 88.77 m. He demanded just one gamble as he dominated the fieldat world meets, which is becoming a common sight.

Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem finished 2nd with a fine gamble of86.79 m in his final attempt while Tokyo Olympics tableware semifinalist Jakub Vadlejch finished 3rd in the qualification with a stylish attempt of83.50m.

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