Taj777 News Blog Football Peru has lost the hosting for U-17 World Cup as per FIFA

Peru has lost the hosting for U-17 World Cup as per FIFA

Peru has lost the hosting for U-17 World Cup: FIFA

Image Source: Republic World

Peru became the second country in recent weeks to be stripped of the right to host the FIFA tournament. The governing body said on Monday that Peru had failed to fulfill its commitments to hosting the tournament ahead of the World Cup.

FIFA has announced that the U17 tournament will take place from November 10th to December 1st. 2.2, adding that its board will nominate a new host. “The measure taken in light of the host country’s failure to meet its commitments to complete the infrastructure needed to host the tournament,” FIFA said in a statement.” Despite the very good working relationship between FIFA and the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF), it noted that there is currently insufficient time to secure the necessary investments and complete the necessary work with the Peruvian government before the start of the tournament.” (Read Also: Sevilla removes coach Jorge Sampaoli for poor team show in the Spanish League)

FIFA would like the FPF for their efforts and stands ready to host future competitions in Peru.” The FPF took note of FIFA’s statement before providing any further clarification on the Decision.

The FPF said in a statement. “The decision is based on the delays in the launch of sports infrastructure works. Apart from the recent weather events in Peru which have caused damage and affected many families.”

Last month, storms swept through northern Peru, choking homes and businesses and killing at least six people. The Peruvian federation added “While FIFA worked on the ‘operational organization’ of the event, the Peruvian government focused on investments in the infrastructure of public spaces made before FIFA. Their executive body could not complete the processes within the timeframe.” he told FPF.

In the last month, Indonesia got rejected for its hosting rights for the Under-20 World Cup. Subsequent outrage among some politicians in the Muslim nation regarding Israel’s participation. Both tournaments had scheduled for 2021 but shifted to 2023 due to Corona’s global outrage.

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